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Electric Car on Highway


If you're looking to install EV charging stations in your building, our team can help you through the process. Here are the steps we take to ensure a successful installation: 1. We assess the number of charging stations needed based on the building's size and parking capacity. 2. We help you choose the type of charging station and charging level that best suits the needs of your building occupants. 3. Our licensed electricians install the charging stations and ensure they meet local building codes. 4. We set up payment system for users to pay for the electricity used while charging their vehicles. 5. We help you promote the availability of the charging stations to building occupant.

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Access Agreement

Once Agreement is signed and permission given. We will provide a detailed plan, we will first schedule a consultation with you to discuss your specific needs and requirements. During this consultation, we will gather information about the location of the charger your budget, and any other relevant details. Based on this information, our team of experts will create a customized plan that includes the type of charger to be installed, the necessary electrical upgrades, and a timeline for the installation process. We will provide you with a detailed breakdown of what's involved and answer any questions you may have. Our goal is to ensure that you have a clear understanding of the installation process and that you are completely satisfied with the plan before we begin any work


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