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EV infrastructure refers to the network of charging stations and other facilities that support the use of electric vehicles. This includes public charging stations, home charging units, and other related infrastructure. The development of EV infrastructure is critical to the widespread adoption of electric vehicles. Upgrading EV charging stations in apartment buildings will bring numerous benefits. Will attract tenants who own electric vehicles, increase property value.  Additionally, it can provide a competitive edge in the market and help meet the growing demand for EV charging infrastructure.

Electric Car Charging Station

Electric vehicle adoption is expected to increase significantly by the year 2035. This is due to several factors, including advancements in battery technology, government incentives, and a growing awareness of the environmental benefits of EVs. As more people become familiar with the technology and the infrastructure for charging EVs becomes more widespread, we can expect see a significant increase in the number of electric vehicles. Without EV chargers, potential renters who own electric vehicles may be deterred from choosing an apartment complex. As more people switch to electric cars, the demand for charging stations will only increase. By not providing this amenity, property owners risk losing out on potential tenants.

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